The following text is a sample template of what you can send to your employer regarding a Christmas bonus. You can change it as you see fit but the main purpose of it is to help you raise an unsatisfactory Christmas bonus or the absence of a Christmas bonus with your manager. By raising the issue and talking about it with other people you may force your employer to concede something more than 25 euro or 50 euro.

Dear (insert name of manager here),

I am writing to you to raise the issue of the Christmas bonus through the formal grievance procedure.

I am not satisfied with what the Christmas bonus I am getting. I am aware that there is a scheme called the Small Benefits Exemption that allows for an employer to distribute tax free vouchers (One4All, store currency or a topped up Visa card with a certain amount) to their employees and then avail of relevant tax breaks.

In light of this and the savage cost of living crisis, I would ask that you utilise this voucher scheme to provide me and my coworkers with an enhanced Christmas bonus.

I look forward to hearing from you,
